Without Frustration
Renovation without Frustration
Generate a variety of furnished internal floor-plan layout designs for any residential property using AI.
Without Frustration
Generate a variety of internal floor-plan layout designs for any residential property using AI.
Layout & Design
Use our platform to instantly generate optimal floor-plan layout options bespoke to your property.
Furnish & Edit
Edit floor-plan layouts by adjust wall sizes, room shapes, and furniture location to find the perfect fit.
Optimize creative variation, and iterate faster. Your Generative architecture AI assistant for Floor-Plan Layout Design.
No Skills Necessary
Design like a pro with our intuitive interface. Explore many designs with just a few clicks.
Instant Cost Estimations
Get cost estimations for each design along with a breakdown of works and key cost factors.
Upload your Floor-plan
To start, upload a picture of your floorplan with any notes about the parts of the property you are looking to renovate. Alternatively if you have access to CAD you can upload your .DWG / .DXF file directly.
Pick your Rooms
Once your initial floor-plan has been processed, you can input the number and types of rooms you want included in your renovation.
Generate Layouts
Based on your prompt, the A-Space Ai will rapidly generate a variety of layouts for you to chose from. Every solution is furnished to help visualize inhabitation.
Review & Refine
Make informed design decisions with the help of our metrics panel, and use our locked regeneration tools to control how you re-generate new solutions.
Export to DXF
When your happy with the design or at any point in the process you can export your design into DXF format, so you can open it in any CAD or BIM software.
How It Works
01: Upload your Floor-plan
Input the Brief
To start, upload a picture of your floorplan with any notes about the parts of the property you are looking to renovate. Alternatively if you have access to CAD you can upload your .DWG / .DXF file directly.
02: Pick your Roomss
Input the Brief
Once your initial floor-plan has been processed, you can input the number and types of rooms you want included in your renovation.
Generate Layouts
03: Generate Layouts
Based on your preferences, the A-Space Ai will rapidly generate a variety of layouts for you to chose from. All solutions will abide by minimum regulation room sizes standards.
04: Review & Refine
Review & Refine
Make data-driven design decisions with the help of our metrics panel, and use our locked regeneration tools to guide further generations and iterate on the layout designs. Each solution is furnished to help visualize inhabitation.
05: Export
Export to DXF
When your happy with the design or at any point in the process you can export your design into DXF format, so you can open it in any CAD or BIM software.
Layout & Design
Use our platform to instantly generate optimal floor-plan layout options bespoke to your property.
Furnish & Edit
Edit floor-plan layouts by adjust wall sizes, room shapes, and furniture location to find the perfect fit.
No Skills Necessary
Design like a pro with our intuitive interface. Explore many designs with just a few clicks.
Instant Cost Estimations
Get cost estimations for each design along with a breakdown of works and key cost factors.